
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Chrs, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Chrs

    Chrs Guest

    Why is it so pricey for a crankshaft pulley.£91.71 is the best price i
    have got.all it is is a pulley it dont do any thing just has a belt
    running round it .cant cost that much to make now can it .(still
    looking for a cheaper one and anybody that has got one in stock)
    Chrs, Jul 12, 2007
  2. My repairer told me that Pug wanted £120 and he sourced mine from GSF for
    £90. Have you tried Neate. I tried to look on their web site but their
    online service is suspended?
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 13, 2007
  3. Chrs

    Chrs Guest

    Thanks Keith i went on to the web site, as u say it is suspended.i am
    going to ring them from work on sat,i let you know how i get on
    Chrs, Jul 13, 2007
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