Problem with '96 106 Escapade

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by Chris Naylor, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. Chris Naylor

    Chris Naylor Guest


    I've started to have a few problems with my 10 year old 106 in that it
    seems to lose power when I first change gear and put my foot back on the
    accelerator. It's only just started doing it but is becoming quite

    When I change gear or when I try put power back down to accelerate it
    seems to take about 5-10 seconds before I get a response during this
    time it freels like the breas are on - which I know they aren't!

    This isn't affecting normal driving just when I change gear it takes
    it's time to respond and put power down which if I'm going uphill can be
    a bit of problem.

    It's also started to get quite "squeaky" - but not all the time,
    sometimes when I start the engine and then if I change down into second
    it'll squeal - I'm preseuming that this is the fan belt as it's probably
    due for a change. It doesn't squeal when the loss of power occurs
    thoughgh - could the fan belt be anything to do with the loss of power?

    If anybody had any ideas they are welcomed - I'd like to get the car
    back running as it was rather than get a new one as I love the car and
    for a 10 year old it's only got 56k on the clock!


    Chris Naylor
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    Chris Naylor, Dec 17, 2006
  2. Chris Naylor

    Chris Guest

    sounds like a blocked vac pipe
    Chris, Dec 17, 2006
  3. Chris Naylor

    Chris Naylor Guest

    Is there anyway I can check this myself or is it a suck through teeth
    mechanic job>

    Chris Naylor
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    Her eyes were like two brown circles with big black dots in the center.
    (Russell Beland, Springfield)
    Chris Naylor, Dec 20, 2006
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