Problems with my 306 HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by The Question Asker, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. Hi,
    I've got a Pug 306 1.9TD R Reg 3 door saloon. Its been driving fine up
    until the last few days, I was going around a round about then the thing
    just stopped, it seemed that there was a short circuit as the lights were
    going funny, then all power died no hazards and no ignition opened up bonnet
    (While on roundabout) then the lights came back on, ok so I drive on and all
    seems well until I get onto the dual carriageway when it happens again, so I
    put my hazards on (It was at night) then all power died, and no hard
    shoulder So I jumped out onto the bank then the lights came back on, this
    has happened a few times and I have no idea what it could be....

    Any offers
    Cheers for help
    The Question Asker, Nov 16, 2003
  2. The Question Asker

    Mark Guest

    Electrics are crap on the pugs!
    check the earth lead on the battery...clean it loads and make sure is
    earthed properly

    Have you got any non standard stuff rigged up to the electrics? huge amp?
    ....if so disconnect them
    also, check there are no leaks ...check the rear and front light clusters to
    see if any water has been fusing them

    ....prob be the earth though, failing that look in yellow pages for a car
    electrician and get them to look at it
    Mark, Nov 16, 2003
  3. excellent advice just checked the battery lead and found it was loose,
    suppose should have checked it 1st but hey saved me a trip to the garage,
    made the car have a mind of its own.
    The Question Asker, Nov 16, 2003
  4. The Question Asker

    Mark Guest

    no probs, glad i could help


    Mark, Nov 16, 2003
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