Pug 106 - airbag light on

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by Ono Notim, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Ono Notim

    Ono Notim Guest

    Hi all
    My wife has a 106 and this morning on the way to work the airbag light came
    on for no apparent reason, flashing on & off. It then went to constant on
    and when she restarted it later, it went back to flashing - she didn't drive
    it long enough to get the light constantly on.
    A friend at work seems to think it may well be the connectors underneath the
    front seats that need taking apart and carefully cleaning and then
    I would very much appreciate the groups views and experiences and any
    helpful advice - especially for the cleaning operation.
    Many thanks
    Ono Notim, Feb 13, 2006

  2. No doubt one of the experts will be able to give instructions on cleaning et
    al. I can tell you that it is a very common fault across the whole Peugeot
    range. I can also tell you that it does not mean the airbag is likely to
    go off, quite the reverse I believe as it is less likely to work. I also
    seem to remember that many people have soldered the wires rather than use
    what I believe is an inferior quality connector, but hopefully one of the
    experts on the group (and there are a number to whom I for one am deeply
    indebted) will comment.
    Keith Willcocks, Feb 14, 2006
  3. Ono Notim

    David Hearn Guest

    Same problem on our 306. There's a connector attached to the underside
    of the seats which connect to the seat belt pre-tensioners. Happens to
    us every few months or so. Solution is to just disconnect and reconnect
    the connector. I always do it with the ignition off, but never worry
    much about how long I have it turned off for - often just pull over at
    the side of the road, remove key, fiddle with connector and restart car
    and drive off.

    I'm sure someone will say that's not recommended and you should
    disconnect the battery for 30 minutes before fiddling with airbag stuff,
    but - so far - I've not had a problem doing it my way. ;)

    David Hearn, Feb 15, 2006
  4. Ono Notim

    nigel Guest

    Nah, that's alright. I've taken airbags off immediately after
    switching off. In fact I once, by mistake, did one with the ignition
    on (don't try this at home though. I didn't reconnect with the
    ignition on. I think that would have been silly!!!)
    nigel, Feb 18, 2006
  5. Ono Notim

    jazzy29 Guest

    Hi all. just a quick message to say dave`s reply was spot on. my 1999 406
    2l gtx side airbag fault lamp was up, just split connection under drivers
    seat( brown on mine) cleaned with a rag and prob was sorted. thanks
    jazzy29, Feb 20, 2006
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