PUG 106 Keypad Immo Problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 106' started by CB, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. CB

    CB Guest

    I have a PUG 106 (P Reg) here with a keypad immo (inside looks like there is
    a HC05 micro). The keypad has S & C on it and not * & # if that makes any

    The car has been into the garage for mechanical work (engine mount and drive
    shaft) and whilst in the battery was disconnected as part of this work.

    Now, when the ignition is turned on the red and green led's are both on on
    the keypad and I cannot enter the original code and start the car. The
    buttons do beep when pressed st this stage (whilst both the red and green
    led's are on).

    After a while both leds go out. BUT I cannot then enter the code as there is
    no beep or flashing led when a button is pressed on the immo.

    Any ideas as to the fualt?

    CB, Apr 26, 2006
  2. CB

    CB Guest

    I should also say that the car is a diesel.
    CB, Apr 26, 2006
  3. CB

    Chris Guest

    Take it back to the Garage. they should do it for you free as they took
    the batt leads off.also why was the batt disconnected to do the drive
    shaft and engine mount?never heard of this before,
    Chris, Apr 26, 2006
  4. CB

    CB Guest

    Dunno why, garage has no idea what the problem is. Pug want more than the
    car is worth. I've dumped out the HC05 in the keypad and the immo code is
    still there and correct. I'll take the ECU to bits tomorrow to see if the
    code is OK there.
    CB, Apr 26, 2006
  5. CB

    Chris Guest

    Sounds like a good bunch of t.... they should do it for you if they
    know what they are doing,(seems to me that they dont )
    Chris, Apr 26, 2006
  6. CB

    nigel Guest

    Just for the hell of it, does it have a fuel cutoff switch? Black
    squar thing with usually a red rubber top near the N/S strut turret.
    If this was accidently hit it may have activated and when it does it
    puts on the red and green light on the keypad. Try pushing the rubber
    button and then starting it.
    nigel, Apr 26, 2006
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