pug 205 GTI lock problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 205' started by species8350, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    Sometimes I have a lot of trouble unlocking the driver's door on my

    The key goes into the lock without trouble but it wont turn, then
    sometimes I get a mechanical click and the door unlocks. In addition,
    the lock appears a bit loose. When the key is in the lock and the lock
    is opening, I can lock/unlock successively without trouble

    Any idea what might be the problem.

    If lubrication is recommended, is it possible to lubricate without
    removing the inner panel?


    PS. the door opener feels a little worn, but opens fine.
    species8350, Nov 6, 2005
  2. species8350

    G.T Guest

    Yes, just open the lock's flap with a screwdriver, a blade or even your key
    and apply some nice squirts of WD40. Then push your key in and do some
    opening / closing cycles.
    Worked fine on my 205 with no central locking.

    It may well let some WD40 traces underneath the lock, but that's not
    terrific... You'll notice that your lock will look like a bulldog which has
    eaten a yoghourt ;-)

    G.T ('93 Junior D)
    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Nov 6, 2005
  3. Hi
    Just had to replace the door locks on my 205 gti due to some thieving little
    git breaking in and wrecking the lock.
    If you take the door card off and look inside you'll see the lock barrel is
    held in place with a U clip. It's held on quite tight so if the clip has
    slipped or come off completely then the whole lock assembly will be loose
    and therefore not operating the bars properly that hook onto the mechanism.
    It's a bit fiddly trying to get the bars back on if they have dropped off
    but the U clip should go back on with a few taps with a large flat blade
    screwdriver and a hammer.
    Hope that helps.

    Gareth Watkins, Nov 6, 2005
  4. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    I think the clip may be the problem. My manual tells me to unscrew the
    door arm (that I use to shut the door). It shows two screws under the
    handle. I have no screws under the handle.

    How did you get the the door trim off??

    I only need to get at the lock, the simplest method would be the best.


    species8350, Nov 8, 2005
  5. The door card just pops off, the usual type of poppers, u just gently prise
    it off after taking the inside door handle, door pocket and window winder
    handle off. Oh, and the surround for the door opening lever. And the speaker
    cover. Once it's off shine a torch inside and you'll see the clip.
    Gareth Watkins, Nov 8, 2005
  6. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    How did you get the inside door handle off. According to the manual,
    there should be two screws underneath the handle. Mine has none?


    species8350, Nov 9, 2005
  7. Mine does have the two screws. Perhaps there's dicreet covers over them?
    Just need a small screwdriver to pop them out then get at the screws.
    Gareth Watkins, Nov 9, 2005
  8. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    There's no cover underneath the door handle.

    I see there's a strip along the front of the handle, perhaps this comes
    off. I'll have a look.


    species8350, Nov 10, 2005
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