Puggy 406 2.1TD engine niggle

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Alex James, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. Alex James

    Alex James Guest

    I have a '98 Peugeot 406 with a 2.1TD engine, which seems to work fine, but
    there is a slight niggle with it. When I first start the car in the morning,
    a few seconds after it starts I can hear and feel the engine kind of
    stalling but it never does. The idling speed drops from the about 800 to 750
    and then back up to 800 - all within a second. After that it idles
    perfectly. Am I right to assume it does some sort of idle speed adjustment
    or something? Now the other problem I have, which may or may not be related
    to the one above, is when I drive the car at high speeds... say over
    90mph... I can again feel this.. shuddering, like someone has lifted the
    foot off the accelerator for a second. Or an even better description - a
    side wind! I never paid much attention to it until recently I was cruising
    on the motorway at just over 90mph and again felt this shudder, and when I
    eased of the accelerator, there was a "clunk" from the car somewhere and
    engine simply stalled with the orange diagnostics light on... I pulled over
    to hard shoulder, switched the ignition off and then back on - it started
    without a hitch and I got home without any further troubles. But I can still
    feel this when starting the car from cold (although it doesn't always

    I bought the car at 74k on the clock and has now done 86k. It had this
    problem from the beginning. Its glow plugs have been replaced at around 66k
    along with the timing belt and water pump. Last service was at 81k with an
    oil change, oil filter change and air filter change. It's due for another
    service soon.

    I am not a petrol head (or a diesel head for that matter!) but could the
    above problem be related to too much air or fuel being fed into the engine
    causing it to "splutter"? Or could it be something else?

    The car otherwise runs fine and starts first time every time.

    Any input appreciated ! :)


    Alex James, Mar 27, 2005
  2. Alex James

    kkerrison Guest

    My 406 - an SV - sometimes revs up a bit, momentarially, now and then,
    when waiting at traffic lights. I assume the engine management sytem
    gets bored and decides to liven things up a bit.
    kkerrison, Mar 28, 2005
  3. Alex James

    Alex James Guest

    I bet it doesn't stall at 80mph though :)
    Alex James, Mar 28, 2005
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