Quick Query

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oli, May 17, 2004.

  1. Oli

    Oli Guest

    On the 406 (which is still in the garage), in the menu on the
    multi-fucnctional display - where you set the time/date. It asks for speed
    unit. I have the options mph or km/h. Why does it ask this as I cannot see
    a way to display MPG or anything?

    Oli, May 17, 2004
  2. Oli

    G.T Guest

    Well, I assumed when you had the MFD you had the possibility of displaying
    on-board computer like instant consumption, avg consumption and so on.
    I guess the choice for speed unit (MPH or KPH) involves the display in
    metric (KPH) or imperial (MPH) for all information reported by the MFD. I
    wrote "guess" 'cause although my parents' 206 also have the computer, it
    stays on KPH.
    G.T, May 17, 2004
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