Radiator repair

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Coxy, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. Coxy

    Coxy Guest

    I have bought some "Radweld" to put into my radiator to try and repair
    a small leak. I need it to circulate around the radiator and wonder if,
    by putting it in the coolant tank, this will happen.

    The chap in the shop said that some coolant tanks circulate while
    others act more as an overflow. Can anyone shed light on where it would
    be best to put the Radweld in for it to fully circulate around the

    Coxy, Aug 13, 2006
  2. Coxy

    Bob Minchin Guest

    open the drain until the header is just empty. Close it, add the radweld to
    the header. drain a litte more waterout until the header tank is once more
    empty. This will get the radweld into the circulting water. close the drain
    again and top up the header with some of the water you drained out
    (presumably with anti freeze in it?).
    Run the engine till the fans come on bleeding out any air if needed as you
    go and topping up with more of the drained off water.

    Good luck

    Bob Minchin, Aug 13, 2006
  3. There are some in this group who will tell you not to use stuff like that as
    it will block the cooling system. All I can say is that Wynn's Radiator
    sealer works in our 306 and hasn't blocked anything except a leak in the
    heater matrix. This does not mean that Radweld or anything else will behave
    similarly though. I put straight into the coolant tank.

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Aug 13, 2006
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