Remote Locking

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JT, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. JT

    JT Guest

    The remote will unlock my 806 Hdi but not lock it. The rest of the central
    locking sysytem is working fine with the key. Anyone any clues? Could it be
    the cold weather? How can you check whether it is the sender or receiver at
    fault? Haven't changed the battery yet as it still operates OK to unlock but
    that seems to be the next logical step.... unless someone knows better!

    Many thanks.
    JT, Jan 3, 2008
  2. JT

    JT Guest

    Took the remote apart and can see that the 'lock' microswitch is bent over
    and needs resoldering into place. Trouble is the pcb doesn't want to come
    out. Do I just give a strong pull? Anyone know? Thanks.
    JT, Jan 3, 2008
  3. JT

    Chrs Guest

    you dont know unless you try..
    Chrs, Jan 3, 2008
  4. JT

    Brian Guest

    Look carefully and you will probably see some small plastic hooks
    holding the pcb. Just a question of easing them away from it
    Brian, Jan 4, 2008
  5. JT

    JT Guest

    Look carefully and you will probably see some small plastic hooks
    holding the pcb. Just a question of easing them away from it

    Found one. Thanks. Going to need a tiny soldering iron though!
    JT, Jan 5, 2008
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