Removal of 406 interior roof lining.

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by col_mortimer2004, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. I need to remove the interior roof lining from my Peugeot and it seems to be "glued" in certain places. I have been told conflicting stories of how to remove it etc. I have even been told I will have to buy a new one. Has anybody got any tips on how these can be removed and refitted ???.
    col_mortimer2004, Mar 5, 2004
  2. you'll find that it's held in place by numerous means, such as the light
    fittings, and the door seal fittings, aswell as the front and rear screen
    fittings, and a few push button mushroom type clips, (you put it into the
    hole then push the little button, and it tightens up and holds in place - to
    remove them you need to pull the button up/out then it'll pull out of the
    hole easily).
    It will be quite unusual to be glued in i think, i dont mean either that you
    need to remove the front and rear screens, i mean that it'll be held up in
    place by the surrounds for them, it'll be tucked in behind the door seals,
    so you'll need to pull these down at the top of the doors, and remove the
    interior light fittings, also too the inrterior grab handles, and the
    plastic finish at the door posts. I have had many experiences with these
    things, and in different cars they can be held in by many differing means
    including the ways i have mentioned, it requires a bit of patience and
    perseverance. If its only to look at the roof rails you should only have to
    gain access to the two sides rather than take the whole roof lining out.
    I hope this helps, regards.
    be "glued" in certain places. I have been told conflicting stories of how to
    remove it etc. I have even been told I will have to buy a new one. Has
    anybody got any tips on how these can be removed and refitted ???.
    M. H. Greaves, Mar 6, 2004
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