replacement IR roof sensor for 306 XSi

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by jkn, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi all
    I have a '96 306 XSi. My plip remotes have had the dreaded
    'battery rundown' fault ... however I *may* have fixed this (more
    details if I get the whole thing working).

    However in the meantime I suspect the IR sensor in the roof has died.
    I've had a leak from the sunroof which I've been negectful of. So when
    I try to re-program the Plip, nothing happens. I've had a look at the
    sensor in the roof and it's clearly suffered from water damage. I have
    an electronics background and will have a go at fixing it, but that's
    a long shot.

    So, a couple of things:

    - where to get a new roof sensor from - any idea what they are
    properly called?

    - Is this sensor linked to th Plip - ie. if I were to get a
    replacement roof sensor, would this work with my current Plips once re-

    Obviously I am also looking into fixing my sunroof leak...

    jon N
    jkn, Jul 24, 2007
  2. jkn

    Zoab Guest

    I cant help with your sensor problem, but I had a leaking sun roof, it
    turned out to be the drain holes were blocked, I cleared them with a wire
    coat hanger.

    Zoab, Jul 24, 2007
  3. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi Bryan
    Thanks for your message. i've been having a look for the drain
    holes after reading back old messages on this group. Can you advise
    where they are - I can't see them yet?!

    jkn, Jul 24, 2007
  4. jkn

    Zoab Guest

    Hi Jon.
    They are in the corners at the front, if you can't see them I would think
    that they are full of muck and need to be scraped out.

    Zoab, Jul 24, 2007

  5. I got hold of a spare plip key for my wife's 306 and that programmed ok.
    It's now gone the way of the other two though with dead batteries after a
    couple of weeks so if you do find the answer to that one I shall certainly
    be interested.
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 24, 2007
  6. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi Keith
    Thanks - actually that's a good point (about spare plips working) now
    that I think of it.

    I 'fixed' the plip by replacing the capacitor, which I'd heard might
    be faulty. It did look as though it might have been ... electrolytic
    capacitors can 'burst' and the ones on my plips do show some of the
    symptoms. I'll see how long the batteries last before posting full
    details ... and obviously I'd rather prove the whole system first...

    Jon N
    jkn, Jul 25, 2007

  7. I shall wait with all fingers crossed. tyhis nmay asfffect mny typimng
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 25, 2007
  8. jkn

    jkn Guest


    It also looks like the roof receiver is not tied to the Plip. For
    those of a technical bent ... the Receiver PCB in the roof only
    contains a set of Infra-red sensors, and an amplifier chip, together
    with a few other parts. The decoding part must be elsewhere (any clues

    Jon N
    jkn, Jul 25, 2007
  9. jkn

    Brian Guest

    I have had exactly the same problem with the receiver due to water through
    the sunroof.
    I took the receiver board out and cleaned all the corrosion fur off very
    carefully, particularly where it bridged any printed circuit conductors. I
    then sprayed it with electrolube to keep it water repellent, and in my case
    it then worked OK. Worth a try in yoyur case too i would think.
    Now to have a look at the plip, which is also running down batteries in no
    I checked the little switch inside, and it now never seems to be open
    circuit, there is always a resisance of 100 ohms or so, which is what I
    assume to be the cause of the batteries not lasting. Though whether it is
    the switch or the electrolytic I do not know.
    Brian, Jul 25, 2007

  10. ECU? The post from Brian looks interesting, yours might be fixed the same

    Keith Willcocks, Jul 25, 2007
  11. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi Brian
    That's the sort of thing I am doing. There is actually one track which
    is damaged; I have repaired that without success. But I have also
    found the data sheet for the chip used, so I can probably work out
    what is & is not happening. Sometime being quite technical is a bit
    tedious... I will keep you informed...
    seemed to be acting fine. I've heard a few stories about the plip
    (apart from the 'They stop working' one):

    - there's a short on the PCB. Plausible but unlikely IMHO
    - some mechanical problem causing the batteries to be loose, or
    something. Not in my case
    - it's a capacitor ... plausible in my case ...

    .... although I wonder why in the case of both plips the batteries only
    started failing after I changed them. Maybe the slightly higher
    voltage of the fresh batteries did the capacitor in???

    I've also wondered about a failure of the plip semiconductor over
    time ... but have no evidence of this.

    On the sunroof front, I've found the drains and shoved a couple of
    feet of wire down them to clean them. Any idea where they come out, I
    can't tell if I've done this properly?

    Jon N
    jkn, Jul 25, 2007
  12. jkn

    Nigel Guest

    They come out at the bottom of the A pillar. Just run some water
    gently down the tubes.
    Nigel, Jul 25, 2007
  13. This may be completely unrelated, but as you mentioned capacitors
    bursting it may be interesting reading:-

    Matthew Haigh, Jul 26, 2007
  14. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi Nigel

    Thanks ... I was being a bit idel to write before checking ... I've
    done this & all looks good ;-)

    jkn, Jul 26, 2007
  15. jkn

    jkn Guest

    Hi Matt

    Thanks - I know about this (I'm an electronics engineer in another
    life) and it may well be related. I've mended PC motherboards by
    replacing capacitors like this in the past. I wasn't expecting this on
    the plip because (a) the timescale is different - mid-90's rather than
    early 2000's, and (b) the bulge on the capacitors I've seen is quite
    slight, much less than eg. the pictures in the wikipedia article.

    I will post a picture of the caps when I get chance, and if I show
    that this fixes the problem. Notwithstanding my IR receiver problem,
    with the replacement cap. my plip *seems* to have been working (ie.
    the red LED flashes on when I press the button) for several days now,
    which is more than used to be the case.

    jkn, Jul 26, 2007
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