Replacing radio in 306

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by KW_UK, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. KW_UK

    KW_UK Guest

    Hi there,

    used to post on here a while ago but it has been ages!!!

    I have a 1994 306 XR and want to put an MP3/Cd player in it.

    My question is can i just simply buy a new head unit off the shelf, remove
    my standard peugeot one and plug in the new unit?

    Is it as simple as that?

    I have seen products advertised with "ISO" connectors, does my car have
    this? If so, and the new unit has one, can i just plug and play within 5

    I am aware i will need a facia plate too.


    KW_UK, Jan 13, 2004
  2. KW_UK

    KW_UK Guest

    Thought i had checked the NG thoroughly but obviously not!!

    From reading John Orrett's post it looks like I can just plug and play with
    a new stereo that i get.
    KW_UK, Jan 13, 2004
  3. KW_UK

    John Orrett Guest

    Yes you can! Just fitted my wife's in her 306. Went in like a piece of cake
    (although getting the old Clarion out was anything but!). Slotted the
    mounting plate in, bought an aerial adapter from Halfords for £3.99 and
    connected that, and plugged in the two wiring blocks into the ISO unit on
    the Pioneer. Works perfectly :). You can buy an adapter for £32 to enable
    the steering wheel remote to work, but I didn't bother. I got the facia
    plate, but to be honest, it doesn't need one, and you need to stick it down
    with something anyway, as it's not secured anywhere..
    Result - one happy wife!
    Good luck, and thanks to all those contributors who put me on the right
    track. Much appreciated guys.
    John Orrett, Jan 14, 2004
  4. KW_UK

    Dan Guest


    Hi John,

    Glad you finally got it all sorted, how does it sound? and are you using
    the original Peugeot speakers?
    Dan, Jan 14, 2004
  5. KW_UK

    klausbj Guest

    Hi There!

    Can someone kindly tell me how to get the radio out? Do I have to take the whole control panel away first? I have tried tugging at the stereo, it seems to come out of the case slightly but I can't get the stereo out completely.

    I now have a Kenwood MPV7019 head unit to replace the peugeot. Are you saying that all I need to do it remove the old and plug in the new without any technical wiring job involved? Now that would be to good to be true.

    I would really appreciate any assistance on my first installation...Yeah I am going to have a go at this myself!

    If I said I was female (not blonde) and only had my 306 XT for 3mths would my ignorance be excused? :(

    Thanks in advance!
    klausbj, Feb 10, 2004
  6. KW_UK

    Roger Guest

    the whole control panel away first? I have tried tugging at the stereo, it
    seems to come out of the case slightly but I can't get the stereo out
    saying that all I need to do it remove the old and plug in the new without
    any technical wiring job involved? Now that would be to good to be true.
    am going to have a go at this myself!
    If it is the type of radio that you can see 2 small holes (one each side)
    you need 2 very thin screwdrivers (like those you get in a set, watchmakers
    I think they call them) you need to push one into each of the holes and at
    the same time pull the radio towards you. If on the other hand you have the
    type where there are no holes at all, you need 2 very flat blades or knives
    with a rounded end. (I used ordinary kitchen butter knives)
    On the bottom of the radio facia about 1 and a half inches each side of
    centre if you get your head down so you can see up under the panel (using
    the knives or whatever to gently prise the front of the facia plate away out
    towards you a little, you will see 2 very small silver type clips, push the
    knives onto each of these and push them down both at the same time and then
    draw the radio out towards you. It can be a little tricky, but if you
    persevere it just sort of suddenly pops out.

    And with regard to your plug fitments, I put my Kenwood CD/Radio straight in
    and simply plugged the two existing connectors into the back of my radio.
    The control on the steering won't work though, but I understand you can get
    an adapter to fit your radio if it has the input jack for the steering
    control, they cost about £35 I;m told, I never bothered.
    Roger, Feb 10, 2004
  7. KW_UK

    mindwipe Guest

    the whole control panel away first? I have tried tugging at the stereo, it
    seems to come out of the case slightly but I can't get the stereo out
    saying that all I need to do it remove the old and plug in the new without
    any technical wiring job involved? Now that would be to good to be true.
    am going to have a go at this myself!
    mindwipe, Feb 12, 2004
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