
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by M. H. Greaves, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. No its not about "springs", its about a fresh coat of wax for the new
    season. I give my car a coat of wax every spring following a good de-tarring
    and a full t-cut, i then wax it all, and polish it. I do this at least
    twice; once now in spring, and again late summer into autumn. This keeps the
    body work looking good, and it protects it all summer and winter, not to
    mention making it much easier to wash each time.
    I used to do car valeting for car showrooms full time, worked on some really
    clatty, filthy, 2nd handers, and polished some of the best such as B.M.W.,
    Bentley, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, and many more as well as many of the more
    standard cars you see around all the time. I was allways amazed at the
    difference it made to a car when it was properly cleaned and polished. I
    wish many more people would take more care of their cars these days!!
    A clean car is allways a pleasure to drive!!
    have you done yours yet (or do you do it at all!!??).
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 19, 2004
  2. M. H. Greaves

    G.T Guest

    Of course, fully cleaned inside / outside, plastic renovator on all plastic
    parts (bumpers, side protections, mirrors, dashboard), front brakes dust
    removed, tarmac stains removed, but... The day after it ran, outside it's a
    bit dirty now :-(
    You can have a look to the result here :
    BTW, my car is the Junior D, first car on the page.
    G.T, Apr 20, 2004
  3. Ah, but at least you did it !!
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 20, 2004
  4. M. H. Greaves

    Coyoteboy Guest

    I'm working on the idea, but I've got some respraying to do so I'm toying
    with the idea. Dont know whether to T-cut and leave it in the areas I'm
    going to spray, so as to get a good paint match and adherance, or polish it
    and hope to remove the polish when spraying. Choices choices.

    Coyoteboy, Apr 20, 2004
  5. M. H. Greaves

    Rich Guest

    You seriously all regularly use t-cut? I was horrified when I read

    I was told by a reputable bodyshop that they don't use it because the
    ammonia in it can damage/stain modern paintwork.

    Isn't it also true that t-cut is powder based and works but actually
    removing a thin layer of paint? I wouldn't like to use something like
    that regularly on my car!

    Rich, Apr 21, 2004
  6. I wouldn't polish where you're gonna paint, because the silicone will react
    with the paint.
    regs, Mark.
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 21, 2004
  7. I don't mind using it, I don't use allot and my cars paintwork is metallic
    and harder to T-cut, I only T-cut where maybe a scratch is to bring it out,
    or where tar spots were after I removed the tar. I don't do the whole car;
    if the car is looked after and polished enough you don't need T-cut much. I
    would use it on older paint work if I'm cleaning someone else car, but I
    don't use allot on my own.
    regs, mark.
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 21, 2004
  8. M. H. Greaves

    Coyoteboy Guest

    No, I dont. And I wouldnt either. I just know my car has never been Tcut-ed
    so I'll use it the once and give it a good resin-wax coat afterwards to stop
    it re-oxidising.

    Coyoteboy, Apr 23, 2004
  9. yup, no offence meant, mate; some people I have met in the past would have
    done that, not knowing that the silicon would react with the paint, I didn't
    mean you would!
    kind regards, mark.
    M. H. Greaves, Apr 23, 2004
  10. M. H. Greaves

    Coyoteboy Guest

    None taken bud - ta for the pointer :)

    Coyoteboy, Apr 23, 2004
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