tacho rev gauge not working

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gary G Jones, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    Hi, I have purchased a 2001 HDI partner van which I am pretty impressed with
    so far.
    Anyway, the tachco is not working but seems to flicker when first started
    and then nothing.
    Anyone any ideas as to what these tachco's use as a signal pickup and what
    the problem may be, fingers crossed its just a loose wire

    Thanks in advance
    Gary G Jones, Oct 13, 2006
  2. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    Check the multi plug . and the sensor gos into the back of the gear-box
    and pick up from the flywheel.i had this problem on my 405.i had to cut
    the plug off and wire the wires together . i have got new unit but like
    always have not fitted it yet.
    Chris, Oct 13, 2006
  3. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    Many thanks Chris, I shall crawl underneath and have a look tomorrow.
    Gary G Jones, Oct 13, 2006
  4. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    Why wait till sat or sun to do the job.get a torch and have a look in
    the dark hahahaha
    Chris, Oct 13, 2006
  5. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    In my younger days I would have done, I'm even a little bit tempted to now ,
    but I think I'll wait till daylight (oh what the hell where's the torch)
    Gary G Jones, Oct 13, 2006
  6. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    Well dos it work now?
    Chris, Oct 14, 2006
  7. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    I ended working for most of the day, so I have still not had the chance to
    crawl under it yet.
    I will be doing it tomorrow though as long as it not raining that is.

    Gary G Jones, Oct 14, 2006
  8. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    No sunny day for sunday so you can do it and get a tan aswell hahahah
    good luck..
    Chris, Oct 14, 2006
  9. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    well, no luck with the rev meter, I have unplugged and re-plugged in every
    connector that I could find, with no luck at all. I have managed to cut my
    fingers in god only knows how many places. Do Peugeot design those razor
    sharp bits of plastic under the bonnet on purpose to keep the home mechanic
    out of the engine bay.
    I think I will stick a time clock over the top of it. One thing I have
    noticed though is when I turn it off I get a sort of "grrrrr" noise for a
    split second from behind the rev gauge itself.
    I did give it a filter and oil change while I was messing about, so not
    all a waste of time.

    Gary G Jones, Oct 15, 2006
  10. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    Did you find out where it went into the gear box? it could be that end
    not in far or to far in ..
    Chris, Oct 15, 2006
  11. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    I believe I did find where it went into the gearbox, although I can not be
    100% sure.
    Not really a lot of room in the partner engine bay to get your arms in, but
    I'm am pretty much sure that I found it. I just got to the stage of
    unplugging and cleaning all the connectors that I could find in the end.
    The van also has a very very very bloody annoying sort of whistle or high
    pitch hum it happens when you very gently put your foot on the accelerator,
    push it down harder and the noise is gone, cruise along at 60 with your foot
    just on the gas and the whistle or hum is back, it does it in neutral and
    when standing still so its nothing to do with gearbox.It just seems to
    happen at certain low revs, if the bloody tachco worked I would know at what
    revs. I am going to have to bite the bullet and take it into Peugeot and see
    if they no what the whistle or hum is.I will get them to sort the tachco out
    while they have it in. Its very faint but its one of those noises that once
    you hear it you pick it up all the time. I am very tempted to park the van
    in a field and set fire to it if they cannot find the whistle.it really is
    driving me bloody nuts. Otherwise if all else fails then a very cheap HDI
    2001 partner van will be on e-bay, I recommend it to those that cannot hear
    high pitched whistles.
    Gary G Jones, Oct 15, 2006
  12. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    is it turbo? also it could be a pipe sucking in air or letting air out.
    what about your fan belt is it tight?my 405 has got a very strange noise
    but its because i got to replace the fan belt.spray wd40 on it and see
    if the noise gos.i did on mione and it stopped, so i know its the belt.
    Chris, Oct 15, 2006
  13. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    Hi Chris
    Its definitely not a turbo whistle, I drive a Citroen synergie so I know
    that sound very well.
    Its more of a tuning fork sort of whistle / hum, bloody hard to explain
    really. As soon as you point it out to anyone they can then hear it all the
    time. I have a feeling its coming from around the diesel injection pump
    area, although I am not sure.
    Apart from this and the tachco not working its a brilliant van, it drives
    like a rocket for a diesel and pulls like a train. I will try and pop into a
    dealer tomorrow if I get the chance and see what they say. The tachco I live
    without , but the bloody whistle at low rev's in the background is another
    I'll let you know how I get on.
    (never had all this electronic gubbins in my old 205GTI )
    Gary G Jones, Oct 15, 2006
  14. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    WOOOHOOO I have managed to find the whistle / hum
    it turned out to be one of the metal fuel pipes acting like a tuning fork at
    certain revs
    The cure was to place a piece of wood on the pipe and hit it with a hammer.
    Hum gone. It was that simple, only took me 2 days to find it. At least I
    can now keep the van and maybe even enjoy driving it.
    As for the tacho I have booked it in for Friday morning to get it looked at.
    I hope that it is the pick-up sensor connection like you suggested and I
    have just missed it.
    I will keep you posted on the findings

    Gary G Jones, Oct 16, 2006
  15. Do you really need the tachometer? We never used to have them and drove by
    ear and seat of pants. I'd be inclined to save the money myself.
    Keith Willcocks, Oct 16, 2006
  16. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    Hi Keith,
    To be honest, no I don't need it.
    It just gets on my nerves that its fitted and does not work.
    I'm not really sure why they started to fit tacho's to diesels anyway. As
    you say I have done many thousands of miles with out the aid of a tacho.I
    suppose they fit them so people like me waste money getting them sorted out
    when they pack up.

    Gary G Jones, Oct 16, 2006
  17. Gary G Jones

    Chris Guest

    You dont need a rev counter just wait till the engine dont go any
    faster.or wait for a BANG.. HAHAHAH
    Chris, Oct 16, 2006
  18. Gary
    Check the alternator bearings.
    Michael Roche, Oct 16, 2006
  19. Gary G Jones

    Gary G Jones Guest

    Thanks to all who suggested places to look for the whistle / hum

    WOOOHOOO I have managed to find the whistle / hum
    it turned out to be one of the metal fuel pipes acting like a tuning fork at
    certain revs
    The cure was to place a piece of wood on the pipe and hit it with a hammer.
    Hum gone. It was that simple, only took me 2 days to find it. At least I
    can now keep the van and maybe even enjoy driving it.
    As for the tacho I have booked it in for Friday morning to get it looked at.
    I hope that it is the pick-up sensor connection like you suggested and I
    have just missed it.
    I will keep you posted on the findings

    Gary G Jones, Oct 16, 2006
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