ticking 206 when moving and not acclerating...

Discussion in 'Peugeot 206' started by G_Samuel, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. G_Samuel

    G_Samuel Guest


    Hopefully someone can lend a few words of advice. I have a 2000
    Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4 which has suddenly started making a strange
    cliclking noise when the car is moving and either the accelerator is
    not pressed or the clutch is pressed (i.e. when the vehicle is moving
    forward under power the noise stops but when the vehicle is slowing or
    just rolling forward without acceleration, then the noise starts).
    Initially I thought something was interfering with the rotation of the
    wheels as the slower the car goes the slower the ticking is, but I
    have checked and can see nothing unusual (although I am far from a

    There does seem to be some vibration from the gear stick when the
    ticking is present although other than that the vehicle appears to
    drive normally. I am beginning to think I might have some sort of
    problem with the clutch but any opinions would be much appreciated.


    G_Samuel, Feb 1, 2005
  2. G_Samuel

    Buccaneer Guest

    The silliest things can sometimes be the answer. Have you by any chance got
    a stone stuck in the tyre tread. If not, I am out of ideas.
    Buccaneer, Feb 1, 2005
  3. The last time this happened to me it was a nice long self-tapping screw that
    had worked its way into the tyre, so check your tyre pressures. Even if
    they are OK, it's still worth having a good look all the way around each
    tyre because something like this can be self-sealing to begin with. It
    doesn't stay that way for long though...

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Feb 2, 2005
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