Water loss 406 D

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by terb, May 6, 2005.

  1. terb

    terb Guest

    I seem to be losing a very small amount of water from my cooling system but
    cannot find source of leak, would it be alright to add "Radweld" would this
    affect antifreeze?
    Grateful for any advice. Terb
    terb, May 6, 2005
  2. terb

    RooMonster Guest


    You may have a problem with your head gasket. It may have blown
    allowing water to leak into the cylinders or mix with the Engine Oil.

    Oil turns a milky Brown when it has water added. I suggest you check
    the oil filler cap for light milky deposits. If you have these of the
    underside of the Oil Filler cap then one of the gaskets within the
    engine will have blown.

    RooMonster, May 6, 2005
  3. terb

    RooMonster Guest

    Sorry forgot to say that radweld will not help if the problem is
    because of a blown seal/gasket within the engine.

    I personally would not use radweld, It can cause more problems by
    cloging up other parts of the engine.
    RooMonster, May 6, 2005
  4. terb

    Streltsky Guest

    My 205 did this for about a year, then it started loosing loads of
    water and in 3 days the engine was completely dead (metal flecks in
    the oil etc). I don’t know if the engines are similar at all but on
    the older engines coolant loss is an indicator of engine damage. Also
    exhaust coming up through the coolant shows the same but I don’t know
    how you check that on a 406.
    Streltsky, May 7, 2005
  5. terb

    akd Guest

    My 406 does the same, most do.....

    Have a look at the bottom left of the radiator for corrosion and you may
    find a small corrosion leak.

    Or the Intercooler may have damaged the front of the radiator.

    akd, May 7, 2005
  6. terb

    terb Guest

    Thanks for all your advice. Andy have looked at radiator and found some
    blue marks towards the bottom, could this be a sure sign of coolant
    terb, May 7, 2005
  7. terb

    RooMonster Guest

    Yes it could Depends on the Anti-Freeze Used. Most leave light blue
    deposits around the leak.

    It sounds like it could be the leak to me :)
    RooMonster, May 7, 2005
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