What's the groups policy on selling?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Chris, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    Before I do it, just wanted to check what this groups stance is on offering
    items/service for sale?

    I'm planning on selling copies of the Peugeot electronic parts catalogue
    2003 (3 CD's) along with the repair procedures and repair times (3-4 CD's)
    which would be on 6 or 7 CD's - I think theres enough interest in this

    Chris, Oct 16, 2003
  2. Chris

    Jim Mason Guest

    I would be interested in buying.

    Jim Mason, Oct 16, 2003
  3. Chris

    Jim Mason Guest

    Could you mail me (remove `thebairns` from the address) with details if you
    don't want to post details in the group.


    Jim Mason, Oct 16, 2003
  4. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    Are you sure that the copyright will alow you to sell copies?

    Tobias Meyer, Oct 16, 2003
  5. Chris

    G.T Guest

    I the copyright doesn't allow this. Moreover I'm sure these CDs are designed
    for use by Peugeot crew only (techs, and so on).


    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : http://205d.fr.st
    G.T, Oct 16, 2003
  6. Chris

    Chris Guest

    You've obviously not seen Ebay recently then lol

    Take a look for 'Peugeot Parts' - yes, they are all copies!
    Chris, Oct 16, 2003
  7. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    So what? Are they all legal copies?
    I'd rather be careful with that kinda thing!

    Tobi (a german, where violating the copyright is a very bad thing :-( )
    Tobias Meyer, Oct 16, 2003
  8. Chris

    Chris Guest

    I've sent you an e-mail Jim.

    Chris, Oct 16, 2003
  9. Chris

    G.T Guest

    Auch ist es sehr schlecht, aber du, in Deutschland, hast du die Autobanhnen,
    mit ein bischen ohne blöd max Geschwindigkeit zu 130km pro Stunde :)
    OK, ich habe nicht auf einem Autobahn geführt... Ich war nach Deutschland
    nur ein mal, in Freiburg, Schwarzwald :)

    Tobias, ich hoffe dieses Text hat nicht zu viele Fehler, weil ich seit 6
    Jahren nicht Deutsch sprechen - dieses Antwort war wie ein Spiel für mich
    G.T, Oct 16, 2003
  10. Chris

    G.T Guest

    Hi Tobias,

    Oh, BTW, forgot to answer this part of the message :
    Mmmm, obviously not.
    Oh, Tobias, if you ever had one of these CD sets for, say, one hour, sure
    you'll burn it for yourself !
    OK, copyrighted work, but we should have the right to access this kind of
    technical data, as we :
    1/ are Pug owners (at least) ;
    2/ are Pug fans ;
    3/ These are just blueprints, parts numbers, and perhaps service notes -
    nothing confidential as prototypes or any other R & D documents.

    *** For an hypothetic Pug employee reading this : why couldn't we have one
    of these CD-sets ? ***

    And you'll note I feel far better with english than with german :)
    G.T, Oct 16, 2003
  11. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    That's what I though.
    Yeah, maybe, but I wouldn't post to a newsgroup something like "I'll sell
    these CDs!"! I think that was rather unsafe for Chris.
    #1 applies to me and I agree. Haynes manual, or in my case "Jetzt helfe ich
    mir selbst" does not cover everything :-(
    Fine with me :)

    Tobi (also kind of a Canadian)
    Tobias Meyer, Oct 17, 2003
  12. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    Man kann mit den Gesetzen zum copyright leben. Sie sind trotzdem nicht
    Autobahn ist nett, aber man braucht richtig schnelle Autos und eine richtig
    freie Bahn. Ich habe beides nicht (VW Passat CL -> 160km/h, Pug 306 1,8l ->
    Ne, ist gut zu lesen :)

    Tobias Meyer, Oct 17, 2003
  13. Chris

    G.T Guest

    Ja, wir können. Ich habe viele originale CDs, aber nicht alle.
    Schnell fahren immer braucht eine freie Bahn.
    Kein Glück, du hast zwei Enten :) Bah, ich habe ein 205D, nicht schneller
    als ein VW. Best Zug mit Deutschen Autobahnen ist zie kostlos sind. Hier muß
    man besahlten.
    G.T, Oct 17, 2003
  14. Chris

    G.T Guest

    Hi Tobias,
    Neither would I. It was pretty unsafe, but I'd bet it won't happen anything.
    I don't say this NG ain't under surveillance (why not, after all), I just
    guess Chris doesn't take any risk.
    "Jetzt helfe ich mir selbst" can be translated into "do it yourself", abr :
    DIY. And, no, a manual never covers everything - worst manuals are the ones
    who cover what you don't need to know :)
    I was wondering, just 'cause I'm curious, how hard is it to find service
    manuals as Haynes in Germany - for french cars, I mean ? Is there a German
    Haynes edition ?
    G.T, Oct 17, 2003
  15. Chris

    Jim Guest

    I got a copy of this so called CD's from a mate who purchased online from
    the States I think. They were the biggest pile of shit ever and threw them
    away. Mate said only 7 CD's came along, no manual or anything.

    Beware what u buy...better off saving your dosh for the book of lies...aka


    Jim, Oct 17, 2003
  16. Chris

    G.T Guest

    Eh eh... "Real" DIY don't even consider the Haynes, at least in France. They
    just take the RTA, which is the better alternative - OK, B&W photos, but
    they show essentials, not how to perform an oil change :)
    G.T, Oct 19, 2003
  17. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    What is the RTA?
    That's what I remember Haynes being like - at least for a 198x's Dodge

    Tobias Meyer, Oct 22, 2003
  18. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    I'm afraid there are too many webgroups etc. about cars out there to check
    them all, so noone is actually interested in "our" small newsgroup.
    I know :)
    Well, this one is mostly about the engine, something I do not usually touch
    since I do not have a really good place to park the car if I want to repair
    anything. I just need it for smaller things, it lacks some things here
    though. It is kinda neat for checking if the shop did everything they were
    told to do though.
    I had to order this book because all book stores didn't have it in stock.
    There are two big brands for repair manuals in german - Jetzt helfe ich mir
    selbst and another one whose name I forgot. One of them covers all the cars
    the other one does not cover... But usually book stores only have one
    It was no problem though and I had it the next day. Well I could have had
    it the next day if I picked it up the next day :)
    I've been working with Haynes manuals in Canada and I would prefer one for
    my 306 since I think they are better quality (not the paper, the
    descriptions :) ). English would not be a problem for me...
    I don't know if Haynes makes books in any other language than english, I
    don't think they make them in german. I couldn't buy one anyway since my
    book stores don't sell them. The only way would be amazon.

    Tobias Meyer, Oct 22, 2003
  19. Chris

    Tobias Meyer Guest

    Nö - wenn die voll ist macht schnell fahren noch mehr Spass *grins* ist
    aber auch riskanter *noch mehr grins*.
    Ich mag Landstraßen aber eigentlich lieber, wenn man da schnell fährt macht
    das mehr Laune als stur im 5. Gang über die Autobahn zu fahren.
    Leider nicht, Citroen 2CV wäre ein schönes Auto das ich mir irgendwann auch
    nochmal kaufen werde!
    Besser als gar kein Auto :)
    JA :)
    Aber sie sind auch (noch) für LKW kostenlos und darum ist die rechte Spur
    eigentlich nicht zu gebrauchen :-(

    Tobias Meyer, Oct 22, 2003
  20. Chris

    G.T Guest

    Hello Tobias,
    Ooops, sorry. The RTA is the Revue Technique Automobile, a kind of Hayne's,
    but in B&W, with a higher level. It's rather designed for advanced users & /
    or mechanics.
    G.T, Nov 5, 2003
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