Will ignoring a worn driveshaft break something?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Streltsky, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. Streltsky

    Streltsky Guest

    I’ve got a worn passenger side driveshaft on my 205 and don’t have the
    money to fix it at the moment (spent my car budget for the next few
    months). Will it trash the diff/gearbox if I ignore it for a while?

    I can get it replaced if it really needs doing, but I need money for
    other things at the moment like buying ovens and sofas etc.
    Streltsky, Jun 6, 2005
  2. Not entirely on topic, but this demonstrates the pitfalls of buying second-
    hand privately owned, instead of an ex-lease car. A private owner may
    ignore a niggling problem, because they can't afford to fix it (and put up
    with it).

    Granted, an ex-lease car may not be subject to weekly TLC (wash and
    polish), but at least it will be mechanically sound, because the driver
    doesn't foot the bill for anything that goes wrong in the first 60K/3
    southpawArcher, Jun 6, 2005
  3. Streltsky

    Nom Guest


    The driver of the HP car is just as likely to ignore an issue like a worn
    Partly because they don't *know* they have a worn driveshaft (they'll ignore
    any noises unless they directly affect the drive, and even then they might
    still ignore it), and partly because they can't be bothered to visit their
    dealer and get it fixed. They know full well that they're giving the car
    back after three years, so they're not proactive about repairs, and they
    certainly don't want to spend their time waiting for the dealer to repair a
    car that they'll only own for a temporary period.
    Nom, Jun 7, 2005
  4. Streltsky

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    I drove around in mine for months with a worn driveshaft in my first TD. In
    the second TD it just decided to explode one day when I pulled out of a
    junction quickly. Didnt do any damage to anything alse, but of course, half
    a driveshaft spinning about isnt an ideal situation!
    Carl Gibbs, Jun 7, 2005
  5. Streltsky

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    So you reckon you'll be able to find a 205 (or any cheap, say <750 quid car)
    that is an ex-lease car AND hasnt been privtaely owned by now? Good luck!
    Not to mention that if you dont own the car it doesnt matter if you thrash
    it when cold, bounce off the rev limiter every gear, dont check the oil etc
    etc. Whereas its not hard to find a private car that has been maintained to
    the highest standard (lease cars will be maintained as cheaply as possible),
    and looked after rather than just being used as a tool!
    Carl Gibbs, Jun 7, 2005
  6. Thanks!
    southpawArcher, Jun 7, 2005
  7. Streltsky

    Nom Guest

    LOL !
    Nom, Jun 8, 2005
  8. Streltsky

    mememe Guest

    no it wont harm your car if you take it easy and avoid harsh
    mememe, Jun 10, 2005
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